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Cooperative Learning

As a teacher, I have seen first-hand how the education system is changing. Learning has shifted to be a group experience, working together cooperatively to help not only yourself, but your peers learn. Using a cooperative learning design provides students to work with peers to problem solve. Sharing ideas can allow students to check what they know as well as fill in the gaps that they are missing. I have seen students share an idea and then have peers build off of it. The benefit to this is not one specific student is, but all that is involved in the learning process. By including cooperative learning in student education students are not only developing in their academics. They are also developing important skills such as, adaptably, teamwork, leadership, and social skills when working with peers. 

The way that my group has structured our learning resource will have students in small groups rotate between activity stations. Students will work in groups to complete activities together, sharing ideas and solving problems. Play-based learning requires play, which is often done with others and not on your own. Because of this cooperative learning can be consistently found intertwined with play-based learning.