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Peer Review Learning Resource (Group 3)

I was very delighted to be able to peer review your topic. Your learning resource is on a topic that I wish I knew more about when I first started my university degree. I think your resource could be helpful to many students. 

Having a quiz at the beginning of the lesson provides a great and quick way to assess learners’ prior knowledge coming into the resource. I wonder if it is possible to turn this into an online quiz that viewers can fill out and receive a score afterward? Then the learner would not have to keep track of the scores they put in and complete the math at the end of the quiz to find their mark. This would make it more accessible to people who struggle with reading and writing or have other learning exceptionalities.

Including the robot quiz in your resource provides an engaging activity to the learners connecting them to the connecting that you had them read. Although they can draw from personal experience, no one really pays attention to how many interruptions they receive when trying to study. I think this helps create a more accurate idea for the learner. I am very curious to know how you were able to find this activity (it is super cool)!

I was wondering how you may be marking the final assessment piece that shows students learning. Would it be possible to include a rubric that breaks down important aspects to keep in mind when making the schedule, as well as if the learner was able to include the new information that they have learned from your resource? Once they are finished you can use the rubric to see the quality and beneficial purpose the schedule contains and what would provide to that learning if they were to use it.

Overall this is a very well-put-together recourse that can benefit lots of students!